LONZA(龙沙) 瑞士的制药化工巨头,龙沙集团是一家以生命科学为主导,在生物化学、精细化工、功能化学等行业均处于领先地位的全球性跨国公司,具有一百多年历史,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔。主要生产生命科学产品以及多种类的精细和特殊化工产品,以高科技生命技术与优质产品闻名世界。龙沙集团通过战略性的投资、关注客户的需求,巩固其技术基础,在市场上建立起领先地位。今天,创新及先进的生产技术已成为龙沙固有的服务范围。公司提供一整套从实验室研究到工业应用的开放方案。龙沙集团是活性化学成分、中间体及生物技术解决方案的领先定制制造商,以先进的化学合成(龙沙定制合成业务LCMC),微生物发酵(龙沙生物技术业务)和哺乳动物细胞培养发酵(龙沙生物研究业务)为基础,向医药及农用化学行业供应产品。龙沙的雄厚实力还体现在大小分子、缩氨酸、氨基酸和非大众生物制品方面,这对新药和保健产品开发有举足轻重的作用。在细胞层面的研究、内毒素的检测及细胞治疗的生产等领域,龙沙也是个领导者。此外,龙沙还为营养、卫生、防腐、农用化学和个人护理产品等市场提供有价值的化学成分和生物技术辅料。
Nucleofector™ Kits for Human CD34+ Cells Human
CD34 Cell Nucleofector® Kit (25 RCT)
Product Overview:
Various Nucleofector™ Kits and corresponding Amaxa™ Optimized Protocols are available for the transfection of human CD34+ cells using the different Nucleofection™ Platforms. Optimal kits for transfection of human CD34+ cells in the 4D-Nucleofector™ and 96-well Shuttle™ System are the P3 Primary Cell Kits used in combination with cell-type specific protocols. Human CD34+ cell specific kits are available for the Nucleofector™ II/2b Device.
Transfection efficiency up to 83% Viability up to 70% No influence on hematopoietic cell differentiation Both fresh or cryopreserved material can be used
Kits suitable for unstimulated human CD34+ bone marrow cells Cells can be derived from cord blood or leukapheresis material Cited for DNA and siRNA transfection
Example for Nucleofection™ of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells with H-2Kk cDNA
Unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, partially enriched for CD34+ cells were transfected by Nucleofection™ using a plasmid encoding the mouse MHC class I heavy chain molecule H-2Kk. 16 hours post Nucleofection™ the cells were stained for CD34 and H-2Kk and analyzed by flow cytometry. Lymphocytes were gated according to forward/side scatter. Dead cells and CD34- cells were excluded by propidium iodide staining and gating. H-2Kk expression is shown after Nucleofection™ without (D) and with plasmid DNA (E).
For the 4D-Nucleofector™ Kits L and S indicate the Nucleocuvette™ Vessel format. L = 100 µl single Nucleocuvette™, S = 16-well Nucleocuvette™ Strip.
Human CD34 Cell Nucleofector® Kit (25 RCT)